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How to Write Better Articles for your blog without mistakes

How to write articles or post on your blog in a right way. This question constantly comes in mind when you attempt to compose articles.

I will tell you all tips and Strategy about writing articles for the blog. It's easy and anyone can write articles. But you have to write quality content. Because quality is better than quantity. Don’t write 1000 words, fluff piece content. Solid content will lead people to come back to your blog or website.

Important Tips:

·              When you start writing just sit relaxed with an open mind. Sitting on the table will be perfect.

·              Peoples don’t want to sit there and force out a dictionary every time for big words. So keep it Simple and friendly.
·              Try to keep it concise.
·              First, write an article on paper or book. Think and add your ideas on rough paper.

It will throw many ideas from your mind on paper or a book. Don’t start directly on a laptop or computer or something electronic device. It will distract you from others work.

Immediately when you start writing the article First point will come what should headline of the clause.

Headlines decode the message of your article. What you require to writing proper headlines. Let see how headlines work.

Use catchy headlines:
·              Write Great headlines.
·              Try to use a catchy title to get more customer to read.
·              Headlines decide SEO for a blog. When you write different headlines that are many searches. Then it will afford you quality traffic.
·              Example: If your  headlines are “How to earn Money Online” There are many searches for this particular keyword. So try different like “How to earn from blog” It will also give you much traffic. But it will only give quality traffic. Because of not too high searches and not too less for that keyword. So its standard keyword for headlines.

It is most widely used application for writing. It corrects spelling and grammar, but it also gives you a good phrase for the readers.

It has an option like Rephrase. Work of Rephrase is giving good quality phrase with the same meaning. Hence its very serious application for starters in writing in content. And it's also free so take advantage of that application.


The Above picture will show you how ginger works.

It's also used support Microsoft word. It's used in Microsoft word like application The application is Windows and Mac. So use for writing good quality content.

Grammarly is also used for grammar and spelling check.  Grammarly finds small mistakes. It has a free version and a premium version. It also works with the free version.

If you are writing in Microsoft word the both applications are supported in the word.

Now you will think which one I use, I think you have to do the cross checking for articles or posts.

There are many online grammars and spelling checker like:

Keep in Mind
  • Make sure people can scan your article or post for the highlights. Peoples are very busy and they don’t like to read the whole article.
  • Use bullet points. 4 to 5 bullet points deliver promises and proper message. Likewise, use subheads.
  •  Write an article in WordPress editor or Microsoft Word. You can also use a ginger editor.
  •  You don’t have to write a big paragraph.
  • Write 2 to 3 Sentences paragraph that will easier to read and the user can catch fast.
  •  Use “After the deadline” plugin if you are using WordPress editor.
  • Within your article pick certain keywords that are related to another article and talk about them few at length. It will great for SEO and user read more information on your blog or website.
  • If you have to earn money from blog don’t just copy another article and paste on your blog. Google Ads will deny your blog to show their advertisements.
In last Scheduled your post. You don’t want to in this mode like every morning, sick or dying to complete the article. I have to complete this article tonight. Don’t do that. Think and write, take the time to drop a line. It will give you quality articles to get more users.
          Scheduled your article once in a week. Write one or two articles in a week. Readers like consistency. It will also great for SEO and search engine.

Comments your question below and think what you wanna say.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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