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How to earn from Blogging with Google AdSense

          Starting your own blog or website and running that site is a great way to make a long term passive income. Only tons of people don’t realize that in one case you start out it going to literally you can make money while you sleep rather than starting to end up getting paid by the hour.

           Now it’s not, get rich quick. It takes some planning, time, and efforts. Your hard work and passion will pay off and it’s well worth.

           There are many methods to earn online from blogging, but Google AdSense is the best network to earn money online. Google AdSense most reputable and widely used network. Others Network to Earn Money online is Media.netChitikaInfolinks.  and much more. But We will discuss Google AdSense here. It is best network in my opinion you can try it.

What is Google AdSense:
               Google AdSense is a program by google that allows the website owner to show Google Advertisements like text, image, video or interlace media advertisement to their website.

Goole Advertisement is nothing but by the peoples. Peoples make their brand ads and give it google and google will show according to your website niche or keywords.

           The site owner will earn if those ads are receiving impressions and clicks. Clicks will lead to earning.
        So ads generating revenue based on clicks and impressions.

       It's simple you don’t bear to make hard that I don’t understand what is Google AdSense and all material. Read above text once again and that’s it.

How Google AdSense works:
               Now when your website has some spaces to show advertisements. See here Find out here how to start a blog.  Google makes their ad code you have to paste on your website. Ads can appear wherever you want.

          Advertiser bidding to show on your ad spaces in a real-time auction. Bidding is also called as (RPM) Revenue per Thousand Impression or Cost per Impression (CPM)

          The impression of ads or clicks on ads will pay you.

This is my Google AdSense earning: (January 2016)

Online Glossary Reports:
This will understand online business code words. This is important who makes websites and earn from it.

·     Revenue Per Thousand Impression (RPM):
             RPM doesn’t show your real earnings, rather, it's calculated by dividing your estimated earnings by a number of page views or impression, then multiply by thousands.

              RPM=( Estimated earnings/number of page views )*1000

For example: If one ad RPM is  $0.15 from 25 page views, then your RPM would =(0.15*25)*1000
That means $6 is your actual earning by Google Adsense.Sometimes it’s can be high or low. It's on the bidding.

·   Cost per click (CPC):
           The CPC is the sum of money you earned each time for user clicks along.

·  Click through rate (CTR):
           The CTR is the percentage of impression or page views that lead to clicks.
                                      CTR= clicks/Impressions

What are the Requirements to Apply Google AdSense:

               Google Adsense has their very big policies. Check their all policies here.  But I can talk only main and actual points to apply easily.

·         Your website has to good and effective because you will get more impression on websites.

·         Your domain name should be standard.

           Ex: will not allow or

·         Your domain name should be 6 months old.

·         Copyright Content:

            You have to be your original content. Your content should be unique. Original text or images or videos etc. All has to be made by your creativity and efforts. Copy paste from another website will not allow their policies. They are very strict on Copyright Content. So don’t do that you will not apply then you can't make money online.

·         Adult Content:

                   Adsense is the family safe network. So they do not permit ads to adult websites.

·         Write more content, more content will approve fast in AdSense.

Thanks for your visit. If you have any question you can ask freely in comments.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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