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How to get massive traffic from Reddit - new method

 Are you getting sad if your blog has 50 posts, but no traffic? So you're not the only one. I am going to show you how to increase traffic to your blog through Reddit. You are publishing post daily, but not beating the traffic, it is a worse part of blogging life. It's a huge challenge for a blogger to getting traffic to your blog. 

If this method will work for you then your website will receive massive traffic. Trust me when I am saying this, it's not fake or spam. I invented this method. I always do experiments with my blogging career. I always find new ways of blogging and I learned Being Original is a key to rapid success. Remember that.

 For Bloggers, getting traffic is half success. But it's not an easy part my friends. Because like success, generating traffic is also hard. But you have to keep going that's why we are bloggers. Bloggers always find a new way to get out of that problem, right? We bloggers never give up. Keep pushing yourself in this business. One day you will see the change.
Now who doesn’t know about Reddit? Nowadays Reddit is like social media. In Reddit, you can post jokes, Q&A, videos, funny photos, GIFs, etc. I think Reddit covers all topics whatever you want.

There are subreddits or you can say a topic. For example: If you are posting a funny photo in Reddit than your subreddit should be funny. Subreddits are fixed in Reddit. Subreddits is nothing but the choosing topic.
Check Out: Reddit
One more example: If you are posting about health than your subreddit will be "fitness". There are many subreddits in Reddit, don't worry about that.

Everyone says that's it's not possible to generate traffic from Reddit or people simply visit this post and leave by reading the headline. I am glad you are reading this post and read all and understand the fact of this article. You will understand my concept.

Now to the point, In Reddit, you will see Link karma and Comment karma. So what are link karma and comment karma on Reddit?
Link karma - If your posted post gets 100 clicks than your link karma will be above 60 or near 60. Link karma is how many clicks you got on your all post.

Comment karma - Comment karma is same, how many comments you get on your post or question. Example, if you’re one post gets 10 comments than your comment karma will be 5 or more. 

I guess you get the point about link karma and comment karma. Now your main goal is here to increase link karma. Because link karma is more important rather than comment karma. 
Now many people sign up on Reddit and post their link of their blog and expect to get clicks. But no one will check your post because there are many people posting their website link same as like you. 

How to generate clicks, then? Here is the main technique now. You have to increase your link karma to get clicks on your post. If you have more link karma than your post will appear on the front page of your chosen subreddit. More link karma will lead to receiving more clicks. Link karma is like level. More link karma will increase your level to get massive traffic on your post. 

Strategy to getting clicks on your post on Reddit
        You can say SEO for RedditYour post wants to be eye-catching to all viewers. Go to a website called imgurthis website is all about photo sharing. Great images and post get more upvotes and share. 
Pick a decent image from Imgur website and on the left side of the image, there are share buttons. You have to share on Reddit of course. So share on Reddit. 

Wait and see upvotes are getting or not then post another topic. Continue this method.
Bonus Strategy
       Your subreddit should be less user subreddit. Because users are less so post are less than your topic will get attention fast. So first start with less user are online on subreddit. Like above my image is on “aww” subreddit. Which has 4000 users onlineThat is too much. So avoid that in starting. Start with the small user. If 1000 user is online then you should choose that subreddit to submit your post. Because it will get attention fast.
At least you have to increase your link karma for making huge traffic. If your post is not getting upvotes than you have to keep posting. Because my 25 posts are on 0 upvotes. But 5 posts are having 445 link karma and still increasing traffic. After getting link karma you will submit your blog links then see the result. But you have to try if you are not getting upvotes, it’s hard but when it’s work, your traffic system will change forever.

If you have any question, comment below. I would love to solve your problems.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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