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How Successful Peoples Thinks are the Secret Ingredient

Bill and Phil both having a million dollars. Bill became a millionaire from winning the lottery, while Phil did it through his business.
If we took away their money, Bill would still be poor, but Phil would probably know how to make it all back. That's because the difference between a successful person and an average person isn't in what they own, but in how they think.

Big Picture Thinking

The first type of thinking successful people use is Big-Picture Thinking. When we look around, we see the world full of people who worry about every day unimportant thing. Like when should I pay my taxes, what should I watch next on Netflix, while neglecting the things that really matter like exercise and taking care of our bodies. Those are the matters that truly count in the long run.

Whereas, not paying your cell phone bill next week isn't going to be the end of the world? It sort of reminds me of a donkey with the carrot dangling in front of it. The donkey is blind to everything except the carrot.

Successful people look at the Big Picture so in terms of the donkey analogy, they would look in the direction the carrot is actually guiding them to. An even smarter donkey, would look beyond that and see that the person reading it controls the carrot. The donkey is then able to do whatever to plan a strategy to get the carrot.
But the main point is that Big Picture thinking opens up opportunities by allowing us to see the whole situation. Someone who doesn't use big picture thinking is like a donkey who fixated on the carrot, blind to everything else.

When I was in college, my classmates would study so hard to achieve that A+ and when I asked them what they plan to do after they graduate most of them don't even know. Then why are they aiming for the A, when a C+ is all that's required for the Degree! I am not saying that it's bad to aim for the A, but it's important to realize why we are doing it.

Let's say, you start a YouTube Channel on Book Reviews and it becomes fairly successful. What are you going to do next? What do you hope to accomplish? Those are the answers we should constantly seek when we use big picture thinking.

I make these articles or many articles on success and blogging, but that is just the beginning. It's a stepping stone to improving the world, So that people like you and me, who want to achieve success could have the opportunity to access resources to make that a reality.

Big Picture Thinking is very effective in helping us discover our goals.

Focused Thinking
The second type of thinking is Focused Thinking.
While Big-Picture Thinking helps keeps us on track, Focused Thinking allows us to complete individual tasks.

I remember when I wrote a 5-page paperback in 2015, I would work on my paper a bit each day but I didn't really get much done. It wasn't until the night before it was due when I finally decided to spend five continuous hours on it, that I was able to be more productive.

Sometime after the first hour, all my thoughts suddenly fell into place and I wrote page after page nonstop. That is the power of Focus Thinking.

It takes a while for our minds to focus. In my case, it took about an hour, but once we are in that state the rest just takes care of itself. 

Just like Will Power, Focused Thinking could be developed. My brother, Prashant could sit for hours, studying any textbook you put in front of him. That's how he received in A+ in every single class he's in.

Someone who possesses Big-Picture Thinking but lacks focus ends up either being a dreamer who never accomplishes anything or someone who jumps from task to task.

A successful person is able to use both types of thinking and knows when to switch between the two.

Realistic Thinking
Finally, there is a Realistic Thinking. When I first heard the words "Realistic Thinking", I pictured small thinkers who believe that something that has never been done before, means that it cannot be done. 

Small Thinkers - "A vehicle that can make humans fly? Impossible! Realistic Thinking involves asking - "What could go wrong".

While it's true that a lot of Small Thinkers are also Realistic Thinkers, a big thinker can develop the skills as well.

Realistic Thinking, in a sense, is like opening our minds to every possibility and thinking of what to do in each case.

The difference though between Good Realistic Thinking and Bad Realistic Thinking is why we're asking those questions. The average person asks "what could go wrong" as a way to decide whether or not they should pursue something if there's a lot that could go wrong and they'll just Give up.

Whereas the successful person asks that question to find a way to make their idea work. Realistic Thinking is a great skill to have. In our lives, we're going to come across people who offer Realistic comments, and our first reaction might be to ignore them.

But now that we know the value Realistic Thinking provides, maybe we can be more accepting. Just like most success concepts, we have to judge how much to use and when to use it.

Using realistic thinking to anticipate potential setbacks is good, but thinking of too many ways of something could go wrong, would only waste time and cause worry.

In other words, don't be the person who reads three books on tennis before actually playing their first game.

Short Summary

Successful people know the importance of Big-Picture Thinking they're able to focus when they want to, and they're also Realistic Thinkers.

I hope you learned a How to Think in Life. What you conceive and think now that person would suit in the future. So Think Big and Focused in Realistic World.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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