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How to choose and research a profitable niche market for blog

It’s challenging to choose a niche, right? But why it is so hard.  How to choose a niche for your blog.

In the year 2013, I waste that year, just to think which topic I should choose for my blog. I make 2 blogs about news and movie stuff. But I fail in that. Because that was not my niche or subject.

I don't know about news and movies how I can make unique quality content. I waste my money on 2 blogs.

When you think it's hard to write on a particular niche. Then you are making a mistake. Because when you had to target your audience than there are many blogs on that topic. Why are you thinking hard because that is not your passion?
You're choosing because of earning money and others are passionate bloggers. Think about that. What can you make stand different from the crowd to write on one topic you're choosing?
If you want to make money online, you want to be passionate about it. There is no such a method like a fast money making system online. All best bloggers are doing hard work on quality content writing.
Passionate about Blogging
You want to be a blogger right. Nowadays creating a new blog is easy. Anyone can make a blog in 10 minutes. But if you are going to blogger, can you write daily?  My point is, don't do it for money. Make a dream or passion about blogging and write 1000 words daily.

Passionate bloggers are never getting bored of writing articles. Because they love to write and that love and passion stick to get that work done.
Passion for work will always lead to money. Money comes from passion. Stick to it, don't chase money.

Steve Job, Bill gates, Elon Musk, Warren Buffet they all have a passion for doing something in their life. That's why they are at the highest stage of success.

Passion vs Money-maker
Passion is something that you enjoy and love to writing and blogging. Love to make research for blogging. Always find new ideas for the blogging to help people.

Money-maker will get stuck after writing 5 or 6 article. He gets jammed. What I will write now? 

True bloggers have a solution of people’s problems. So make the passion about blogging. Work hard and get the huge knowledge about blogging to start and run. Starting Blog is easy but running blog is difficult.

Passion will make you find your job easy. In which subject your brain is working fast. More knowledge of that particular niche can make you write more content. Make a blogging passion first to running blog for your success.


When was your last time you've searched quora for your problems?

Have you tried looking quora from a different angle?

It is a great tool for driving traffic to the website and choosing a niche. You can also search for the content on quora. But choose the niche first.

Quora is a question and answer website. Choosing a niche for a starting blog can make you simple here.

Go to quora and search for one topic. You'll see in Question stats down how many views had gotten to your searched question.

Many views for that page can make you choose the niche or writing content about that topic.

The importance of that question is on the views of that page on quora. See views and Choose a niche or Topic to write.

You can also see the Related question. You'll get summary what people are looking for in that niche.

Research in Quora for keywords you're looking. Get the right topic for your blog. Like I said you can also search for writing content.
Google trends are a great place to start. If you're looking to find information about trends in seasonality.

You can view how a certain industry, topic or even a specific keyword is trending over a time.
You can also view which topic is trending in which location.

Like In America, there is Amazon and Walmart is trending in business niche.
This can be valuable information for your viewers. In this way, you can receive huge traffic from viewers. 

Because there are millions of searches for that keyword, that's it's on Google trending. So use the Google Trends, it's free.
One more, Google Trends can show you in demographics and chart for understanding better.

You can see Trends from 2007 to past 24 hours. You can choose trends from last 7 days, last 30 days, whatever you want.
Google Trends will only how much your search keyword is trending and where. So it’s also easy to choose nice.

Forums are a great way to choose and study about your niche. Forums can make your problem solve. People have tested their methods, comes to the forum and share their experience.
You can learn and see which topic have the most views in that industry. Like different topics, have different forums. Blogging forums, food, Wealth, Business and much more you will get online.
Just check which topic have many views and content to write for your blog.
Make sure your choosing topic should be used for long-term viewers.

In Short:
Throw your ideas immediately on the book for better writing content. Always note down your ideas on book or mobile. It will grow your thinking power to write.

Make passion for blogging. Success will come close if you have passion about it.
Use Quora, Google Trends, Forums, and Social Media to choose blog niche.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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