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Complete Guide to Instagram Business for Generating Sales

Instagram has grown their community more than 500 million Instagrammers. More than 300 million people use Instagram every single day. Photos get 4.1 billion likes every day.  It’s a big milestone for Instagram Company. Instagram is owned by Facebook. It is one of the world largest mobile ad platforms. Businesses and Advertiser can share their stories with a highly engaged audience in a creative, high-quality environment and drive action with their ads. Instagram ads are available for all small and big businesses.

We will learn Today
1)   Importance of Instagram.
     2) How Instagram Advertising is Successful for Business.
     3)  Success Stories of Advertisement on Instagram.
     4) Instagram Ad Formats.
     5) Tips to use the Instagram account for business and for generating sales.


Importance of Advertising on Instagram
The study demonstrates that the Instagram users are more comfortable with their indicating advertisements. In fact, they welcome it.  People can easily snap on Instagram ads in the interest of attractive visual photos. Enticing visual have more vitality to pull in our psyche.

While, on Facebook and Twitter they see it negatively and they are connected with family and friends largely.

The report, 70% of Instagram users are already following their loving brands. 62% users follow brands just because they like it. The purchaser makes buying from Instagram ads promotion, influenced by brand social media.


The force of vision imaged getting bigger day by day. The most imperative 92% of Instagram user is a mobile user, hence they check their profile and pictures post each day. Every new post contains new imagery and videos of new users, which make an Instagram alarming play every day.

In this way, every new advertisement gets an awesome reaction on Instagram. Your business will increase 40%, up by its ads. You can get clicks for your website, sell a product, get to conversion pages, there are many types of advertisement. We will see that later in Instagram types of ads.

How Instagram Advertising is effective for the Business
Instagram is not only for selfies and awesome pictures. It is a next-generation online business sector. It is an online selling machine with quick achievement sales. You can sell or offer anything on Instagram using right humor and trick to get customers attract.

Sellers are making a huge profit by getting the right clients for their business. Bloggers advertiser getting more leads and clicks for their website business. Numerous little shops and organizations making enormous benefit by Instagram.

In the event that you need to check Instagram business simply visit Instagram and search- #instasale, #instashop, #onlinemarketing, #shopmyclosest. You can search many businesses using the hashtag. Hashtag (#) is the major key in Instagram business. We will see in brief down in Tips to use Instagram account for generating sales.

You'll discover more noteworthy than 5 million posts selling everything from the configuration of shoes and socks to books and vintage collection. All sorts items are doing great on Instagram business because of targeted audiences.

Instagram is not like an Amazon selling and buying items website. It is a social network that is also used in an advertisement for the small and huge business to build up their organization. It helps in getting needed customers for their particular products. So individuals can see products or items through Instagram.

Success Stories of Advertisement on Instagram: - is an online marketplace in Indonesia for new and second-hand goods where people can buy or sell anything from bicycles and electronics to clothes.
Bukalapak wanted to connect with its target audience at multiple stages of their journey. First, it wanted to raise brand awareness in Indonesia and reach young, mobile-savvy shoppers. It also aimed to drive mobile app installs, increase website traffic and maximize sales via the website and app.

Over 16 days, Bukalapak used Instagram to raise brand awareness and drive sales. Launching the campaign with video ads, the tone was humorous and cheeky, and the videos included references to Indonesian pop culture. For example, one video featured the character of Daddy Kokpanda—a parody of Indonesian magician Deddy Corbuzier. Using humor set the brand apart from its e-commerce competitors and conveyed its unique personality to its target audience.

Photo ads highlighted specific products shot from unique angles and were aimed at driving purchase intent and online conversions.

Next, it ran mobile app install ads to maximize downloads and drive direct actions from Instagram. Bukalapak optimized the campaign across Instagram Network. This allowed the brand to reach its audience on a large scale while keeping costs low.

Sharing humorous videos helped Bukalapak establish its brand’s personality and drive conversions, and it continues to use mobile app ads to drive installs. It reached 31,221,568 Indonesians in 16 days with the videos, helping to boost awareness. Optimizing its campaign across Instagram Network allowed the brand to achieve a 39% lower cost per install.

Chilli Beans - The Chilli Beans eyewear brand was able to increase its brand recall through the carousel and video ad formats on Instagram to promote its 2016 summer collection.

Chilli Beans began trading in 1997 with a booth at a Sao Paulo fashion show. Today, it is Latin America’s largest network for sunglasses. It now has more than 600 sales outlets, including franchises and company stores.

The Chilli Beans goal was to launch a high-visual-impact 2016 summer collection aimed at a broad target audience.

Chilli Beans focused on an Instagram-based recognition campaign for the launch of its 2016 summer collection. The ads which ran between January 20 through February 2, shared unique content, produced by the agency Fractal Moma in partnership with Facebook's Creative Shop. To highlight sunglasses in the summer, the photos and videos showed models and glasses in quirky, nautical scenes.

The target audience was 18 and 49-year-olds living in Brazil. The brand decided to conduct broad marketing segmentation for this target group based on interests such as music, fashion accessories, other eyewear brands and the Chilli Beans brand itself.

The creative content was shown in carousel and video ad formats. For the video ads, the eyewear company used two different formats: slow-motion videos and looping videos showing off the products. Reach and frequency were used for these particular ads, ensuring an average frequency of impressions for each unique user. Using the reach and frequency buying options, Chilli Beans was able to create ads in sequence for the same target audiences they had reached in the past.

The combination of high-impact content and Instagram ad formats yielded great results— 6.5 million people were reached and Chilli Beans saw a 16-point increase in ad recall.

Instagram Ad Formats:

Tips for using the Instagram account for business and for generating sales.

You need to get people sharing and praising your brand. This opens up opportunities for customers to purchase.

1. To get the most amount of traffic to your products, reach out to really influential Instagrams, you might need to intend by them. On the other hand and just encourage customers to post photos with a unique hashtag (#), that you have and reward them by reposting their picture. With a @mention a shout out to them. This gives them exposure and they'll appreciate the acknowledgement.

Sixty-five percent of Instagram say that they feel honored when a brand mentions them. If a photo is shared on Instagram to 10,000 followers it will get 331 instances of engagement.

Whereas on twitter if a tweet is shared it only get 7 instances of engagement. That should be convincing enough that if you are only on Twitter then get your touch over to Instagram.

2. Now let's focus on Instagram posts.
Instagram is so powerful because of images allow people to make their own decisions about your brand without you being too pushy.

90% of information transmitted to our brain is visual. So it's a quick and easy source for users to consume your ideas and your brand. Post 20% of your photos promoting your products and 80% of your photos promoting your lifestyle. Your account needs to be pleasant enough for people to follow for everyday inspiration, not just the products photos.

3. You've got to get creative with your Instagram post. To save yourself time to schedule posts use apps like ScheduGram. If you have less than 10,000 followers in one account it's only $20 a month or if you have three accounts it's $29 month. Save yourself some time.

4. Once your photos start receiving likes, use that a direct feedback on the type of photos that your audience likes to see. Studies show that for every one thousand followers you have, you should be receiving 37 likes per photo. To get your average take a number of followers that you have on Instagram times that by 37 whatever that equals to divided by a thousand whatever that equals to the number of likes you should be getting. (Your number of followers * 37= answer) (Answer/1000=number of approximate likes)

5. When you're posting photos make sure that you post high-quality images. My suggestion is to double the regular size image to preserve the quality, Instagram resizes it for its platform. You can use Photoshop or a free program like Picmonkey to size your image to 1024 pixels by 1024 pixels then upload that to Instagram and it will be sure to maintain the quality.

6. The coloring of your images should be lighter and brighter as they receive 24% more likes than darker images. Images look blue is the dominant color notice 24% more likes than images with red as the dominant color. And images with single dominant colors notice that a 17% boost in length. So test it out with your photos.

7. Download After light and VSCOcam. These are great apps that you can download on your android or iPhone to make your images look really professional rather than just using Instagram editing tools.

8. Post real life photos. Use life inspired background scenes, models, this will build your style, culture, and lifestyle around your brand. Also a little fun fact if you include human faces in your images they will receive 38% more likes on average and 32% more comments.

9. Let's look at composing your caption. Write a caption to accentuate your photo. Not to state with the photo is. Let's say the image that you post is a picture of a pillow. Don't just write "cute pillow". Write "This makes for a decent night's rest" #memoryfoam #heaven.

10. And speaking of hashtags hashtag (#) every post to increase its shelf life. When someone searches your hashtag that two months after you've posted it, it will still come up in the hashtag search. They can see it, engage and purchase from you.

So always use hashtags and this is the golden strategy. Post 1 to 3 relevant hashtags in the caption of your photo. 88% of photos that include at least one hashtag. Brainstorm keywords and phrases relevant to your brand that you can use in your posts. Get specific so it's easy for people to find you and your product.

11. So Instagram allows you to add up to 30 hashtags in your caption. Don't do that, it comes off as desperate. But you still should add them, so this is the trick, add them as a comment on your photo. When you add up to 30 hashtags in a comment on your photo this avoids cluttering your image and caption. Additionally, it since you'll be the first one commenting on your photo it will hide after a certain amount of people comment on your photo.
So research, popular and trending hashtags to add your photos that you do show up in relevant searches.

12. Always add your location. As photos received 79% more engagement. This allows customers to find you and your product to buy. So basically use all the features that Instagram gives you. The location taking being one of them. If someone clicks on your location, it opens up into a map and you can see everyone that has taken their photos they can see a map of where it is. Is it local? If I'm traveling there? Can I go there? How far does it take for me to get there? And you can also see all the photos of people that have tagged themselves at your location and people searching can get an idea and a feel for what your business is like.

For instance, if you're in the restaurant this is huge for foot traffic. When they click on your location they can see all the photos of your food, the people, that atmosphere and they can get an idea of that the type of place that they like to go.

They find it on the map write that address down they're gonna come and buy.
Also if you're running an event and you want to up the attendees, post a photo of your event, type the location and tell people to come. Location taking is a great way to be found discovered and it helps in nurturing followers and browsers into sales for your business.

13. So Instagram itself is a sales funnel for your business. That's where people can learn about your business, lifestyle, find you, purchase from you, from a link in your profile. That is where you can communicate and market to your audience on a daily basis.

14. So speaking of sales, 41% percent of Instagrammers say that they would follow or are following brands because of their perks and giveaways. If you have a sale or contest going on still post a great image and just put texts over your image. You can use an app called Over. With that app, you can put text overlay on your image, save that and post it to Instagram.

For even better just post an image of what you're giving away or what's on sale and in the caption of your photo where the details of that product or contests.

15. Run a contest to increase engagement, followers and reward your loyal customers. Instagram contests get 17 times greater the engagement. 70% of Instagram users report that they've already taken part in a contest or say that they would take part in the contest. If you want to increase followers using contest  than you can watch a webinar from Wishpond.

16. Now if you want to increase email leads for your business using contests on Instagram. Want to see on sweepstakes on your Facebook page or your website put a link to your contest in the bio of your profile. When you post photos about your contest say, "hey go to Link in our bio to enter" and when they go to the link in your bio to enter, it takes them directly to the contest to enter. And that's a new email lead for your business once they enter.


Setup Instagram Advertising for making brand and traffic or sales. Use all the above tips consistently for developing your business to get developed and well shape. Be unique in your business and brand. You'll definitely build your successful business in Instagram and generate more money from sales.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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