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8 Steps to keep you Motivated in Life

Whether you are trying to lose weight by 15 pounds, get that promotion at office, or quit smoking, or quit bad habits, sticking to your goal isn’t an easy job.After all, 45% of people drop their New year's resolutions after one month. So why it is so difficult to keep motivated – and how can science help us achieve what were after?

It's a new year and many of us like to make resolutions to better ourselves so great. Do you have any resolutions this Year?

But Staying into motivation might be hard so here're 8 steps that are getting used to help stay motivated this year.

Don’t just read, apply all steps in your life like daily habit and see the change.
 How- to-stay-motivated
1.Get enough Sleep.
        Get enough Sleep. Yeah, that’s right. Enough sleep will keep you active all day.
Your willpower is an inexhaustible resource and this is known as ego depletion and a good night's sleep is the essential key an aspect of keeping your willpower hot.

                                                 2.Get Started
Get started have a goal and just do it. Something is known as organic effect next us until we complete a task that we already started So simply starting a task means you're more likely to finish it. So start from 0 and just do it and finish it whatever it takes.

                    3.Surround yourself with Motivation
Surround yourself with people who motivate you. We’re often told a peer pressure is bad for the case of making new habits the people around you can really happy.

Motivation surrounds will always keep you in positive mode thinking. Keep motivation quotes or wallpaper at your home or mobile or at work.

4. Take a break
 Take a break instead of working for two hours straight. Try and focus for only 25 minutes with a scheduled break after.

This is known as the Pomodoro Technique. This technique is known to enhance mental agility and I mean any excuse for a dance party right.

Break in internal of work will keep your interest in that work. So take a break in mid of work.

5.Eat Right
Make sure you eat right. Think back to a day when a really productive what did you eat that day? Our bodies convert food into glucose that provides energy to our brain to stay alert.

But unfortunately, not all fields are metabolized equally. Foods high in sugar, release their glucose quickly giving a rush of energy to the body that then slums off.

Well, foods like burger provide the sustained energy. They also are a lot of work on our stomachs which decreases the amount of oxygen our brain and makes us feel tired.

Attempt to make a better snack decisions as to pick what you were gonna eat before you get hungry.

              6.Turn your goal into a new habit
Turn your goal into a new habit. Often our goals don't work out because they're not specific enough. Instead of break that goal down into a habit.

 So if your goal is to try and save money maybe you can start making your own coffee instead of buying.

7.Don't be a Multitasking
For me, I like to break up my day into specific task instead of jumping all over the moment of time.

So, for example, I'll do an hour and a half of something involves into creative than an hour and a half of communication in an hour and a half of research and that way your brain can focus on specific tasks at hand.

           8.Start on a Monday.
Start on a Monday. Research suggests that we may be more likely to follow through with our goals we start on Monday.

Temporal landmarks actually help us to separate our past failures. So a new week new me.

So I hope that those tips will help you stay in motivation and ask yourself that what are your  goals this year and let us know in the comments below.

HindiGyan / Author & Editor

Founder and Editor of Cytab. Passionate Blogger from 2013. Full time Blogger and Author. My Goal - helping you through my content.


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